“You may think you
know someone very well. But there’ll always be parts you can’t see. Sometimes
she’ll look weak, but she is hiding her strength. Sometimes she’ll seem strong
. . . and yet she is so fragile on the inside.” Kiro Yumi, Library Wars
I have had so very many stress factors lately, and most of
them I can do something about – just not right this second; but I’m close and
that’s a comforting feeling. In all aspects of my life, I make every attempt to
be strong – to hold it in because I don’t want someone to know just how much
their word or actions have hurt me. I’d say this has worked quite well for me
overall – and then there are people who manage to see right through me. One of
these is the beautiful gal who has been teaching me to dance tango.
She is extremely intuitive and I often feel like even though
the rest of the world looks at me and thinks I’m fine, she often sees through
that façade. It’s funny how the slightest form of kindness can make someone
fall apart. She looked at me Friday and asked if I was okay. In that moment, I felt
as if I were a shattered piece of glass that was about to crumble. I couldn’t
muster an answer and then she asked if we could talk later. I spent at least
the next hour or so hiding underneath my sweater at a milonga because I didn’t
want anyone else to see that I was falling apart at the seams. I hate to seem
that vulnerable and these little meltdowns sometimes take place at the most
inopportune times. When she did find me and she let me tell her all about what
was troubling me, I came away from that feeling as though I had just spoken with
the all-knowing Creator of the Universe. I can only hope I have that much
wisdom and comfort to offer a fellow human being someday.
I’ve been trying to piece myself together that last few
weeks. It’s proven to be more difficult than I thought because things keep
happening and I simply shove them down so I can keep on going. Additionally,
I’m the friend and co-worker that most people turn to for comfort when
something is troubling them. I don’t mind this – I really don’t. Despite how
drained I feel, I’d still drop everything to offer emotional support to someone
I care for. The only issue here is that I’m forgetting to care for myself. As
the months have passed, trauma has been stacked upon trauma and I feel as if a
small piece of my foundation has been chipped away every time I offer a helping
hand to someone else. I hate that feeling – because it makes me feel powerless
to help myself and those that matter to me.
Return to your roots. Dance with nature. Run with the wolves.
“Behind me the
branches of a wasted and sterile existence are cracking.” – Gustave Mahler
So I manage the best I can for now – and that’s all I can
ask of myself. I have to remember to practice patience when it comes to me and
that it’s okay if I miss that one phone call from a friend who needed to talk
or wasn’t emotionally available for another. I just keep reminding myself that I
am so very close to where I need to
be in life and that I will feel much better when that all falls into place. It’s
gradually coming together, piece by piece.
Among my frustrations, is the seemingly unending barrage of
men who want to pretend to be a friend to me and I find out soon enough that
what they want from me is far more than friendship. It really irks me that no
one really says what they mean anymore. “Hey Ava, I want to be your friend. I want
to be supportive of you.” Translation: “I don’t really care about your feelings
and am really interested in getting in your pants because I see you as a sad,
easy, vulnerable target. I couldn’t possibly get the attention of a woman if
she weren’t in a state similar to yours.”
Seriously, I’m enraged. I want to throw punches at these
douchebags more often than not. Most recently, a ‘friend’ asked me about taking
private lessons with him. It sounded like honest fun – until he began to say
things about holding me on the dance floor and sending me texts asking me to
let him in so he can comfort me. Oh HELL
NO!! I’ve never been particularly great at handling these situations, which
is why I’m grateful a friend who has turned into a bit of a mentor to me
stepped in, told me she’d handle it, and sent several texts to this guy on my
behalf. Mostly, I think he got the hint. Not entirely, but mostly.
Overbearing bloodsuckers . . . Just stay away and I won't start pulling out my pepper spray.
As another friend pointed out to me, I may as well throw
myself into a shark tank – because the unsavory people of the world can sense
when someone is their weakest, and this attracts the worst kind of individuals.
This is the main reason I’m on a very long dating hiatus. I’m not interested in
physical or emotional intimacy. I don’t want the attention. I don’t want the
drama. I just want to tango. That’s all I’m willing to give for a while. I need
my main focus to be on me, the hound, and what the next few years are going to
look like for the two of us.
I know there's a quote somewhere that states cracks are what let the light through - I can live with the cracks.
We're content. He's all of the happiness I need.