“The mad man drowns in the same waters in which the mystic
swims with delight” – Joseph Campbell
I arranged for a planned encounter with the former beloved
recently. It suddenly dawned on me that it had been well over six months since
we drew daggers at one another and I was very much missing my favorite pair of turquoise
feather earrings that I left in his room.
I chatted away, asking him about life and the former beloved
was stoic as usual. I mentioned my work with one of my former professors and
getting to sit in on his psychology of spirituality course. Something the
professor said gave me one of those ‘wow’ moments: Photons move in the same
direction as DNA. I was explaining this to the former beloved. He gave me the
look that silently told me I was feeble minded and said it was like comparing
soft to black. I told him ignorance is bliss.
I don’t really
believe that ignorance is bliss. However, I do recognize the need to keep a
sense of wonder about the world. This is what moves us. I feel sorry for the
beloved. He told me once he was trying to find his heart. I don’t think he will
unless he’s willing to keep an open mind and that makes me sad for him.
As it turns out, Mr. Former-beloved-denial-pants, science
and spirituality are beginning to find common ground and we may be witnessing a
new renaissance; an awakening of world asleep for far too long. I imagine he’d
still frown on what I’m about to say and find some flaw in my form of logic or
the research I’m about to mention. To each their own, I guess.
I’ve heard the title ‘Father of Light’ bestowed on many,
usually artists of some form. I think the true champion of this title is Dr.
Fritz-Albert Popp. For the record, his research in biophoton emission has given
weight to many spiritual claims that we are beings of light.
An old documentary filmed in the laboratory at the
International Institute of Biophysics shows an experiment conducted by Dr.
Popp. He opens a chamber approximately the size of a bread box and in this dark
chamber he places a fresh cutting from a plant and a wooden match inside a
plastic container and closes the light proof door. Dr. Popp then immediately
switches on the photomultiplier and an image is shown on the computer screen:
the match stick is black while the green, glowing silhouette of the leaves are
clearly visible. Dr. Popp then says, “We now know, today, that man is
essentially a being of light.”
Another claim backed by Dr. Popps research, “Biophoton
emission and absorption are empirically measurable phenomenon of all living
systems . . . There are about 100,000 chemical reactions happening in every
cell with each second. The chemical reaction can only happen if the molecule
which is reacting and excited by a photon . . .
Once the photon has excited a reaction is returns to the field and is
available for more reactions. . . We are swimming in an ocean of light.”
Come on in. The water's fine.
Popp applied his findings of electro-magnetic molecular signaling
to acupuncture. According to the Chinese practice, the human body has a system
of meridians, running deep in the tissue, through which flows ch'i, the life
force. The ch’I enters the body through these acupuncture points and flows
deeper into the organ structures, providing energy. Illness occurs when this
energy is blocked at any point along the pathways. As Dr. Popp examined this
Eastern practice, he noted that the meridian system transmits specific energy
waves to specific zones of the body. Research has shown that many of the
acupuncture points have a dramatically reduced electrical resistance compared
with the surrounding skin. Dr. Robert Becker, an orthopaedic surgeon, has done
extensive research on EM fields in the body and has designed an electrode
recording device. His many studies have shown electrical charges on every one of
the individuals tested corresponding to the Chinese meridian points.
We are beings of light
woven together by a fabric we don’t yet fully understand.
I know a number of people who study varying forms of
science. While differing practices love to bicker over which discipline is
best, I hear the same thing said over and over again: The more I try to
understand, the more I realize I don’t know and we’re all part of some unseen
pattern. What exactly it is that they’re trying to understand is their study of
the human body, biology, astronomy and physics.
The holistic way of perceiving the world mirrors the
teachings of ancient civilizations such as the Inca. Buddhist and Hindu
teachings have long told us that everything is energy dancing in form, and that
the dance is a continuous weaving of the form and the formless. Now research
from the frontiers of science is telling us the same thing. I am personally
convinced that the close embrace in tango opens the heart chakra to one’s dance
partner. I haven’t spent time researching, measuring levels of oxytocin,
endorphins and other ‘feel good’ body rush chemical reactions, or conducting
personal interviews – it’s just a hunch.
My favorite way to connect with the Divine.
I’m not saying my view of the world is correct, either –
only I like to keep my mind open to the possibilities, even if science has not caught up with them yet. I can only glean from my personal experiences. When I quit trying to figure it all out, when I stopped and just listened - the answers began to come.
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